anxiety relaxation tips disconnect turn the computer off
Calvin and Hobbes (c) Bill Watterson.

I was chatting with a friend on Facebook, and she mentioned how healthy disconnecting is once and awhile. Disconnecting (meaning taking a break from the online world) has, for a long time, been one of my top anxiety relaxation tips. Every now and again, I just turn off my computer and leave it that way for a few days.

So why is this helpful? How can we disconnect when we have so much to do online?

There are several reasons to take a much needed break from internet, social media and the computer screen. If you work from home, or you find yourself on the computer 6 or more hours a day, pay special attention.

  • Too much staring at a computer screen is hard on the eyes: According to WebMD’s article on CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome), about 50-90% of people who work all day at the computer experience eye problems. The same principle applies if you’re playing games on your computer, reading books on your Kindle, or just surfing the web. CVS can also affect younger adults and children, so think twice before letting them play with your iPad for 4 hours, or even 2.
  • Too much time on the internet can become addictive and worsen mental illness: I can testify to this one. When I was going through the worst of my mental illness, I was constantly on the computer ignoring the real world. As soon as I lightened up on my computer usage and started putting better stuff in my brain, my moods improved. Distracting yourself from personal issues or the real world will only allow negative effects to build up and if you have mental health issues, they will worsen. So take a break for your sanity’s sake (hey, that rhymed).
  • Rest and relaxation are necessary to recharge: Just as sleep is a restorative period in your day, simple rest and relaxation is as well. It may feel relaxing to scour Pinterest for an hour (or a few if you’re me), but your brain is still attached to the net and has no time to detox from the negative effects of internet over-usage. If you absolutely must be on the computer for hours on end, follow this chart: Increase Your Hustle: Ways To Work Smart And Healthy. It gives great tips on how to make the most of your work day while staying physically and mentally healthy.

So, in light of this post, I will be taking a break Saturday and Sunday. Never fear! I’ll be back to blogging my little heart out on Monday. I think it would be good for me to have a regular Monday-Friday blogging routine, with intermittent Saturday or Sunday posts as inspiration strikes me. For those of you who look forward to my posts every day (is there anyone who looks forward to my posts every day?), I’ll still be pretty active on social media on the weekends. If you haven’t already, check out my Contact page for ways to find me when I’m not blogging.

Unplug and unwind, relax and revive your mind! Photo (c) frankieleon via Flickr. Image altered.

I love connecting with others on the net in any way I can, so please feel free to tweet me, message me, email me… whatever! I’ll see you all next Monday. 🙂
