I’ve been able to get to sleep at night and get through the night without waking up too much, but now I have another problem: my anxiety medication is making me need to sleep too much.

I’m just dragging right now… I can barely keep my eyes open, and it doesn’t matter how many cups of coffee I have. I feel like I could sleep the entire day away. I’ve got a couple articles to write, but thankfully they aren’t due till much later tonight, so I could take a nap right now if I wanted to.

I mean, don’t get me wrong — I’m glad that I can sleep through til morning, and I’m very thankful that attempts at naps don’t lead to horrible anxiety attacks (at least they haven’t so far… still can’t sleep during the day, though). But I’m so incredibly tired that I can hardly get anything done.

When I’m not babysitting naughty kitties, I’m struggling to make my brain work and form words so that I can write articles. Half of the time, I can’t remember whether an event happened today, yesterday or a week ago. Time is kind of blurring. I’ve always mixed up events and days. I’ve even had dreams about things happening the day before they do. But it’s never been this bad… I can’t even properly punctuate right now. When my grammar completely fails me, that’s when you know I’m tired. lol

I’m going to attempt to take a nap. Hopefully one of the kitties will feel like cuddling up with me. Their purring helps calm me down, and a warm kitty is always welcome during cooler weather. 😉

2 thoughts on “Anxiety Medication Side Effects – More Tired Than Before”

  1. I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling. Have you talked to whoever prescribed the medication? I know that getting tired is often a side effect of a lot of medications, so it is indeed possible that that’s what you’re experiencing. I hope you’re able to nap and that you feel better soon.

    1. I’ll be checking in with my GP in a couple weeks to let her know how the trial run is going. Thanks for caring, dear. I appreciate it. 🙂

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