If you’ve ever wondered if there’s a link between nutrition and mental health, there is. I wanted to share with you this article from Yahoo Health:

nutrition and mental health depression anxiety
What foods help improve your mental health? Article by Yahoo Health.

Nutrition and mental health have long had a connection for me, but this article goes much deeper than what I already knew. I coincidentally developed mental health issues around the time I had my eating disorder, when my nutrition was at its most deficient. When I started gaining my weight back, I started thinking more clearly. This is not to say that everything got all better (obviously it didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have this blog), but my mental health improved.

Yahoo’s article doesn’t lay out a strict diet, but it does inform the public about what foods or vitamins you might be deficient in and what foods you can eat more of to get rid of that deficiency. Although nutrition and mental health in general are the main focus of the article, illnesses like anxiety, depression and bipolar are mentioned in particular as being directly or indirectly affected by certain foods.

vitamins nutrition and mental health
Vitamins most people are commonly deficient in. Photo (c) Colin Dunn via Flickr. Alterations made.

Pay special attention to folates. You’ll want to keep a careful eye on your levels of this essential nutrient.

Personally, I take a multivitamin that’s got sufficient levels of all the nutrients I need, minus a couple. I also take iron and a calcium/magnesium supplement to fill in the gaps, as well as melatonin to help me sleep. When you buy a multivitamin, make sure it has all or most of the daily values of essential vitamins. Not all multivitamins are made equal. This is the one I use, and it’s a money-saving generic brand, so it won’t break the bank. It’s also designed especially for women. Don’t worry, guys. There’s one for you too.

So just remember: nutrition and mental health go hand-in-hand, so make sure you’re getting all the nutrition you need! Proper diet and sufficient vitamin intake not only helps your body, but your mood as well!

Feature image copyright epSOS.de via Flickr.

2 thoughts on ““The Growing Link Between Nutrition And Mental Health” – Yahoo Health”

  1. I completely agree with this article! Nutrition isn’t a big part of what upcoming physicians are required to study, which makes little sense. Obviously what we put (or don’t put) into our mouths have a huge effect on our energy, clarity and immune strength. It’s 2015 people, haha we have the means to know this stuff. Though with health comes little money. Therefore, all hail sickness! The industries must continue to thrive! … V

    1. It makes no sense to me why healthier foods cost more. I’m sure there’s some economical answer, but for now, it seems ridiculous to me. People would be much healthier if healthier foods were cheaper!

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