The Difference Between Anxiety Attacks And Panic Attacks

There are very different schools of thought on this. I’ve talked to my GP on this, and she seems to think that anxiety attacks and panic attacks are one in the same. Well, they’re not. If you have an anxiety or panic disorder, you know what symptoms are particular to you when you have an…

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Depressive Episodes Or Anger Anxiety – Which Is It?

I get these depressive episodes sometimes… like, I wouldn’t call them part of my depression. At least not entirely. They’re more like episodes where I want to fling the entire world into the depths of the universe like a javelin thrower knocking it out of the ballpark.

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Anxiety Attacks – They Come At The Most Inconvenient Times

Anxiety attacks happen quite frequently to me, though they have let up a bit as of late. I’m not sure if it was just the weather changing today or the fact that my normal routine was interrupted, but I feel like my lungs are being squeezed in between someone’s large, chubby fingers. I’m dizzy. I’m…

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Anxiety Night Sweats – Another Day, Another Symptom

So, it’s 2 a.m., and I’m wide awake. I’ve just had a horrible nightmare. These happen often. I rarely have good dreams anymore thanks to my GAD. Or maybe it’s just that my mind is messed up. Too many scary movies as a child.

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