How To Help Animals This Winter

An animal shelter is a wealth of opportunity to give pets that would otherwise end up as strays a loving home and healthy lifestyle.


Why Do People Abuse Animals?

What saddens me is when animals are abandoned or abused. Every single animal left out on the street or living in an abusive home literally breaks my heart. It affects me so much emotionally that I can’t volunteer to help care for these animals because of the things I’ll see.

I feel sick even thinking about what people are capable of, not only against other human beings, but against innocent animals that don’t have a voice. I don’t understand how a man, woman or child can look at an animal and want to hurt it for no reason.

I just read a story about a dog that had boiling water thrown on it because he chewed on a cell phone. I’ve seen stories about a cat lit on fire, a dog starved to a mere skeleton, and a cat fed to a python, and many more. And it’s not just cats and dogs that are abused. Many pets and farm animals receive less than humane treatment on a daily basis.


I Want To Help

I would use pictures in this post to prove my point, but I can’t stand looking at them. I just can’t. I want so badly to help these animals, but it would destroy me emotionally and mentally to work with them. It hurts me so badly that I’m limited in this way. What I am doing, however, is feeding the strays that are living near our house.

I know, I know… if you feed them, they’ll keep coming around. Well, good. I don’t care if they get attached. My goal is to provide them with shelter and food when prey is scarce during the winter months. Should I catch one of them, I’ll either find them a home or drop them off at a no-kill shelter. However, I don’t have much money to do so. In fact, I have NO money to do so.

I need help paying for food, shelter materials (I build them myself) and veterinarian costs (for injuries, illness or spay/neutering). I also plan to buy humane traps if I get enough money in order to transport these cats to the veterinarian and no-kill shelters. I’ve got my own cats taken care of with the help of my brother and sister, but we don’t have a wealth of money left over after monthly bills to pay for stray cat supplies.


Donate And Help Me Save Stray Cats!

That’s why I’ve started a GoFundMe campaign. I really don’t like the site in light of the few scandals that have gone on (nothing financial, just political), but the site’s reach is something I need to use. I have only a month before the weather gets really nasty, and it might end up being sooner.

There’s also a link on my sidebar to the fundraiser page, so you don’t have to keep going back to this blog post unless you want to share it, and please do share! The more you spread the word, the better chance I have at raising enough money to provide continual care for these adorable kitties. 🙂

Thank you for your support and donations!

4 thoughts on “Support Your Local Animal Shelter & Campaign For Cats”

  1. I think what you’re doing is wonderful Amber. Even just writing this post is helpful in raising awareness about the situation. I love animals and it hurts me too, to hear about them being treated this way.

  2. Oh my God what you are doing is AMAZING! I got my little cat Neko from my local adoption agency and he is my world! My cat was abandoned by his owners and left at the front steps of a Petco. I love cats and so many people do as well. Good for you for doing this.

    1. I love that you named him Neko! It hurts me on a deep level when people abuse and abandon animals. I can hardly look at the pictures, and even hearing about it through the grapevine makes me cry. I’m doing my best to put back a little good into the world. God has given me a tender heart, and I want to use it to the best of my ability. 🙂 Thank you for your comment!

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