blogging 101 writing prompt

Back to Blogging 101! The assignments, for the most part, have been non-posts, thus the reason for no Blogging 101 posts for awhile.

Today’s assignment is to take a blogging prompt and go with it. I visited the Daily Post page for my prompt and got this:

“Tell us about a time when someone had you completely fooled, where the wool was pulled right over your eyes…”

There are so many times this has happened, both humorous and serious. However, I opt for the humorous. And I have several examples. They all involve my dad.

My dad likes to take advantage of my gullible nature in exchange for a laugh. I do not begrudge him this because the results are usually hilarious. Here are some examples:

  • When I was little, my mom and dad would take me to McDonald’s every now and then. I would always get french fries, and apparently my dad coveted my french fries, because he would exclaim “Look! A bear!” I, of course, would turn to look, all the while unaware that my dad was sneaking french fries off of my tray. Then, when I didn’t see the bear, he would give an excuse that I missed it. I don’t think I ever caught on.
  • My dad used to tell me not to look into the microwave when it was going because my eyeballs would get sucked out if I stared too long.
  • He would also cheat at Candyland.
  • In my early twenties, I hit a deer on the way home from work, but it just bounced off into the ditch somewhere and ran off. I asked my dad to check my car to make sure it was alright, and when he came back in the house, he looked really solemn and said “Well, the muffler’s completely shot and there’s deer guts all over the underside of your car.” I about had a heart attack. He mercifully cracked a smile and, laughing, told me he was kidding and that my car was fine.
  • For the longest time, I thought the story of Dracula involved him getting pierced through the heart with a t-bone steak because I didn’t know what a “stake” was. My dad would tell me the story, and I would be really confused by the end. I finally asked him why Dracula was killed with food, and he just got this blank look on his face. He didn’t mean to fool me with this one; I was just a dumb kid. haha

I’m doing a little better with the common sense factor, but I still get fooled pretty easily. All of these are fond memories though. They’re things I’ll continue to look back on and laugh about.

That’s it for Blogging 101 today. Stay tuned.